
Effortless Fire Hose Coupling with OSW smartFit Clamp Shells It not often we are able to introduce a product which is able to make a complicated task really easy and improve safety. Introducing the OSW smartFit clamp shells - the ultimate solution for hassle-free hose coupling integration. With just three simple steps, you can securely and efficiently join your hoses and couplings without the need for any additional tools or equipment, except for an Allen key. The OSW smartFit binding system is designed to meet your varying needs and is available in three sizes to fit your specific requirements: C/42, C/52, and B/75. With its sleek design and user-friendly features, the OSW smartFit is the perfect solution for your fire hoses. The OSW smartFit binding system can be reused when hoses are worn-out, clamp shells can be reused again and again. The OSW smartFit clamp shells have been engineered to provide a strong, durable, and leak-proof connection that ensures maximum efficiency and longevity. The robust construction and secure fit of the clamp shells provide added peace of mind for those who demand the highest level of performance from their hose coupling system. We understand the importance of safety on board ships, which is why the OSW smartFit has been designed with safety in mind. The clamp shells provide a safe, secure and reliable method of joining hoses that eliminates the need for complex binding systems. No more complicated equipment, no more wasted time, no more frustration. The OSW smartFit clamp shells are the ultimate hose coupling solution, offering ease of use, durability and reliability. Upgrade to the OSW smartFit today and experience the difference for yourself! With the OSW smartFit, you'll be able to complete your hose coupling integration with confidence and ease. The "smart" binding system scores with many advantages: Perfect sliding function due to the conical shape Binding and unbinding also possible on site Significant time savings when laying the hose in use made of high-strength, glass-fibre reinforced plastic High material strength Much higher strength of the cover than required by DIN14811 You find OSW smartFit binding system here
Welcome to the latest edition of our MariTeam newsletter. We’re thrilled to be bringing you the latest news, updates and insights from our team. Last year was an exciting time for us, with introduction of many new products such as our replacement of our life jacket MERMAN 20 with the new model MERMAN 24. Read the newsletter here
Importance of pilot ladder magnets in the maritime industry Pilot Ladder Magnet Systems are an essential component in the maritime industry, providing safe and secure access for pilots and other personnel during vessel loading and unloading. These specialized magnet systems are designed to attach to the side of a ship, allowing for safe and easy boarding and disembarkation for pilots and other shipboard personnel. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of using pilot ladder magnets and how to properly install and use them for maximum safety and efficiency. Benefits of using pilot ladder magnets: Enhanced shipboard safety: Pilot ladder magnets provide a secure and stable platform for pilots and other personnel to board and disembark from a ship, reducing the risk of accidents and injuries. Improved efficiency: Pilot ladder magnets allow for quick and easy access to a ship, reducing the time and effort required for boarding and disembarking. Durable and reliable: Pilot ladder magnets are designed to withstand the harsh marine environment, providing long-lasting and reliable performance. How to properly install and use pilot ladder magnets: Choose the appropriate pilot ladder magnet system for your ship: Pilot ladder magnets come in a variety of sizes and designs, so it's important to choose a system that is compatible with your ship and meets your specific needs. Properly install the pilot ladder magnet system: Follow the manufacturer's instructions for proper installation of the pilot ladder magnet system. This typically involves attaching the magnets to the side of the ship using a secure and durable mounting system. Test the pilot ladder magnet: Before using the pilot ladder magnet, it's important to test it to ensure that it is properly installed and functioning correctly. Use the pilot ladder magnet system as directed: Once the pilot ladder magnet system is installed and tested, it's important to use it as directed to ensure maximum safety and efficiency. Conclusion: Pilot ladder magnets play a crucial role in ensuring shipboard safety and efficiency in the maritime industry. These specialized magnet systems provide a secure and stable platform for pilots and other personnel to board and disembark from a ship, reducing the risk of accidents and injuries. By properly installing and using pilot ladder magnets, ships can enhance safety and efficiency during vessel loading and unloading. Our solution: From our stock we supply DNV Class Approved Pilot Ladder Magnets. They are delivered as a set of two in protective storage box with carry handles. You find them here
Stay up-to-date on the latest fire equipment with our brand new Fire Equipment catalogue. Download now for detailed product information and specifications. You find our New Fire Catalogue here You find all our catalogues here
Den 1. september har Square1 Nordic A/S frasolgt A/S Danish Engineering & Marine Power (DEMP) til Rasmus Malte Nielsen og Henrik Munk Andersen. Alle DEMP’s aktiviteter fortsætter som hidtil og bliver nu håndteret fra Strandby. Rasmus Malte Nielsen og Henrik Munk Andersen ejer ligeledes Ostergaard Marine Service A/S som holder til samme sted som DEMP Mikkel Engsbro udtaler, at salget sker for at fokusere Square1 Nordic’s aktivitetsprofil i forhold til aktiviteterne i de andre selskaber i Square1 Nordic gruppen. Mikkel Engsbro udtaler videre, at han har kendt Henrik og Rasmus igennem mange år i den maritime branche. ”Jeg er ikke i tvivl om at de er de rette til at videreføre DEMP og revitalisere brandet. De har igennem mange år bevist deres evner til at servicere både danske og udenlandske kunders behov for god service og originale reservedele”. I forbindelse med salget af DEMP laver vi en mindre rokade i Square1 Nordic’s bestyrelse. Bestyrelsesmedlem Jørgen Frost er fratrådt og bestyrelsesformand Gary Griffith bliver menigt medlem sammen med Mikkel Engsbro. Ny bestyrelsesformand bliver Kim Skaarup. Vi er meget glade for at byde Kim velkommen til Square1 Nordic. Kim kommer med stor erfaring fra mange år i international shipping og ikke mindst som CEO for ShipServ, verdens største maritime handelsplatform. Han vil styrke vores kompetencer og fortsætte den vækststrategi vi har lagt for Square1 Nordic.
Mød MariTeam på FMI industridage (DALO Industry Days) den 24.-25. august 2022 i Ballerup Super Arena. På udstillingen kan man møde Stine Sarup, Carsten Larsen og Mikkel Engsbro. Der kan fortælle om PFAS frit Brandskum, Bakterier til spildevandsbehandling og meget mere om vores Brand-, Rednings- og Sikkerhedsprogram. OM DALO UDSTILLINGEN DALO Industridage finder sted årligt i Ballerup. Den første DALO Industridage blev afholdt i 2012, og arrangementet har udviklet sig lige siden. Antallet af deltagere og udstillere er steget år efter år, og 2022 er det første år, hvor arrangementet strækker sig over to dage. DALO Industridage er stedet at være for land-, sø-, luft-, rum-, it-forsvars- og sikkerhedsindustrien og for industrier med produkter af interesse for Forsvaret. Det er en måde for DALO og Forsvaret at indsamle information om aktuelle og kommende produkter på alle områder.
We are glad to announce of our partner MOBIAK’s new important award for the dynamic presence to the markets globally. For the second consecutive year, MOBIAK confirms its strong presence in the dynamic and evolving export environment, its reliability and the quality of its services. Won and continues to win the trust of the export ability in their vision and promotion of Greek products all over the world. The gold award was received, on Wednesday, June 29 at Theatro Athens, by Ms. Paressa Savvoulidou, Head of Accounting and Partner Services K.D. of Central and Southern Greece and Ms. Sofia Savvoulidou Export Activity Manager K.D. of Central and Southern Greece, representing MOBIAK and the company's Export Department. This award is result of a hard work by the MOBIAK team
It is with pleasure and pride we announce that Square1 Nordic A/S as of June 1st. 2022 has acquired 51% of the shares in Marine Technic A/S. The acquisition is a continuation of the planed generational change from the two main shareholders Thomas Thorsen and Henrik Nielsen. After almost 25 years with Marine Technic, Thomas Thorsen has decided it is time to seek new adventures in life. Henrik Nielsen will continue as managing director and partner, Christian Faurskov will also continue as a partner in Marine Technic. Marine Technic is widely recognized as a very solid and skillfully run technical maritime trading house. Marine Technic will continue unchanged as an independent company, with the same skilled employees and location. Mikkel Engsbro owner of Sqaure1 Nordic will join the Board of Directors. Square1 Nordic also owns the maritime companies; MariTeam, GNC Marine, TRIFU and DEMP. Mikkel Engsbro says; we are pursuing our strategy for growth in the maritime sector through organic growth and acquisitions. We have spent the last few years preparing for this expansion, part of the preparation was establishing Sqaure1 Nordic which acts as our platform for further growth and development of maritime companies. Read full text here  
PFAS are known as “forever chemicals” once released into the environment they never break down. PFAS also build up in our bodies, where they can stay for decades. PFAS chemicals are associated with cancer, reproductive and developmental harms, and harm to the immune system. Download our information PDF here Bans are planned or imposed around the world; the US has already decided impose ban from 2024 Why wait! Make a lasting change and use an environmentally safe foam MariTeam has are pleased to offer a better solution with our ECO Foam extinguishers. We have 6 liters ECO Foam and 9 liters ECO Foam  in our stock. We can also supply ECO Foam in bulk. The environmental advantage to our ECO Foam is that is it non-hazardous, biodegradable substance formulated using raw materials specially selected for their fire performance and their environmental profile. All raw materials are registered in European REACH-database. The product is totally free from fluorinated surfactants and polymers and other organ halogens, and therefore it does not contain any PFOS or PFAS. See all ECO Foam extinguishers here