
Dieselpest kan undgås og effiktivt fjernes Selvom udtrykket dieselpest lyder temmelig dystert, refererer navnet faktisk blot til forurening af dieselolie med mikrober såsom bakterier eller skimmelsvamp. Faktisk er lidt vand i brændstoftanken nok til at sætte processen i gang. Vand kan komme ind i dieselolien som følge af kondens, forurenet diesel eller skødesløshed ved tankning. Hvis vandet sætter sig i bunden af tanken, begynder mikroorganismer at formere sig i adskillelseslaget mellem vand og diesel. Varmere klimaer eller især sommermånederne kan resultere i, at brændstoftanke tilbyder perfekte betingelser for spredning af disse uønskede passagerer. Mikroorganismerne danner også svovlsyrelignende forbindelser som tærer hul i tanke og brændstofrør. Under de rette forhold kan disse mikroorganismer formere sig voldsomt og tilstoppe filtre og dyser i motoren så denne ikke længere fungerer. Dieselpest kan ved uheldige situationer forårsage havari og brand i skibe. Problemet er imidlertid ikke nødvendigvis bakterierne selv, men den proces der opstår og som i sidste ende vil danne et mørkt bioslam i brændstoftanken. Dette sorte slam kan tilstoppe filtre, rørføring eller dyser. Derudover fremmer proces korrosion i tanken og på motorkomponenter, såsom brændstof dyser og kan efterfølgende føre til betydelige langsigtede skader på motoren. Dieselpest kan godt forbygges, og er ulykken sket, også bekæmpes. Ved brug af Drew Marine AMERSTAT 25 kan man kontrollere mikrobiologisk vækst i lagertanke og brændstofledninger og reducere systemets korrosion og tilstopning som følge af angreb. For at undgå problemer med diesel pest anbefaler vi hos MariTeam regelmæssig kontrol af tanke der indeholder brændstof og regelmæssig tilsætning af AMERSTAT 25 beskyttelses additiver. Har du spørgsmål eller brug for vejledning kontakt MariTeam på tlf. 39186644 eller MariTeam er lagerførende med DREW MARINE produkter og leverer til kunder i hele Danmark
Hos MariTeam er vi glade for at præsenterer DREW Marine Chemicals Link til Sø MariTeam er i disse dage ved at fylde lagret op med kemikalier og forbrugsprodukter fra Drew Marine Chemicals. Det gør vi for at kunne servicere de danske kunder der måtte have behov for kemikalier, testudstyr, svejseudstyr og meget andet. Her finder man alle drew produkterne Fra vores lager i Køge leverer vi til kunder i hele danmark. Kontakt MariTeam på tlf. 3918664  eller
There are many standards in Fire Couplings and Adaptors and can take time to find the right sizes to match what is on board. MariTeam has a lot experience with international standards, even if its not a standard we can also assist with custom built fittings. We can supply your vessels with all the international fire couplings and adaptors. Download your free copy here Page 1: AMERICAN (NH) COUPLINGS Page 2: AMERICAN (NH) ADAPTORS Page 4: BARCELONA COUPLINGS & ADAPTORS Page 5: GOST COUPLINGS & ADAPTORS Page 6: GUILLEMIN COUPLINGS & ADAPTORS Page 7: 2½” INSTANTANEOUS COUPLINGS Page 8: 2½” INSTANTANEOUS ADAPTORS Page 9: 1½” INSTANTANEOUS COUPLINGS & ADAPTORS Page 10: MACHINO COUPLINGS & ADAPTORS Page 11: NAKAJIMA COUPLINGS & ADAPTORS (JIS) Page 12: NORLAS COUPLINGS Page 13: NORLAS ADAPTORS Page 14: NUNAN & STOVE COUPLINGS & ADAPTORS Page 15: ROTTA COUPLINGS & ADAPTORS Page 16: SMS COUPLINGS & ADAPTORS Page 17: STORZ COUPLINGS Page 18: STORZ ADAPTORS Page 19: UNI COUPLINGS Page 20: UNI ADAPTORS
The effective infection prevention on board depends on the implementation of adequate measures and safety procedures. It is essential that ship-owners, ship-operators and ship-managers make a comprehensive risk assessment on the COVID-19 risk for crew, shore-based personnel and passengers on their vessels and adopt the most appropriate prevention and safety measures in order to minimize the risk of contagion, while also increasing the confidence of every party involved in their operations. Some countries and authorities are requiring that the prevention measures, safety procedures and emergency plans are developed in coordination with a competent third party and therefore an increasing number of companies are opting for the Certification in Infection Prevention (CIP) of their vessels. According to the IMO Circular Letter No. 4204, in its 29 addendums (to date) and the ICS Guidance for Ship Operators for the Protection of the Health of Seafarers, the measures aimed at preventing infection by COVID-19 are essentially based on the safe use of spaces and equipment, the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as masks, frequent hand sanitization, observance of respiratory etiquette and the practice of shipboard self-distancing (SSD). Safety signage takes on a fundamental role in this context. Through safety signage it is possible to: - Communicate respiratory etiquette rules, such as the use of masks and hand sanitizer; - Provide information on the requirements and correct use of Personal Protective Equipment; - Communicate rules for the use of spaces and equipment; - Delimit spaces by establishing areas for the circulation of people as well as waiting areas; - Define specific containers for contaminated or possibly contaminated waste (biological waste); - Identify health screening areas, high infection risk areas, and isolation or quarantine wards and cabins. Thus, COVID-19 risk prevention signage is a tool that should be used in the context of managing the pandemic, namely in the implementation of Certification in Infection Prevention (CIP) programs, so that the activity in the maritime area continues to take place in a safe and sustainable way and so that all operators and users feel safe and confident on board. The 2 nd Edition of the Everlux COVID-19 Risk Prevention Signage flyer is now available for download here and contains a wide range of signage solutions that will help you to implement effective infection prevention procedures onboard your vessels. Please do not hesitate to contact MariTeam if we can be of any assistance
At MariTeam, we are pleased to welcome the Norwegian Regatta on board. Like MariTeam, Regatta has been working on maritime safety for more than 60 years. Regatta is one of Europe's leading manufacturers of life jackets and clothing with built in buoyancy and thermal protection. Safety, freedom of movement and comfort in all conditions is the goal of Regatta. Discover Regatta Outdoor Clothing at MariTeam   Article about MariTeam and Regatta in Danish news paper Søfart:
MariTeam first moved to Køge in 2019, after Mikkel Engsbro took over the company. During 2019 and 2020, we have experienced a very positive development. This has resulted in the hiring of new employees and now a relocation. The move gives us a significant expansion of both warehouse and office. The enlargement will give us a good starting point for continuing the good development that we have experienced in recent years. We look forward to serving our customers from our new address at Sandvadsvej 17B in Køge. The move itself took place during the month of January and we are now completely in place. Unfortunately, we're going to skip housewarming this time around.
Necessary knowledge about pilot ladders from our partner PTR Holland Group. Very good summary! Download free of charge: #support #mariteam
We have this month welcomed two new team members to MariTeam. They both love to play, eat and sleep 😉 Pluto is a 12 weeks old German Shepherd. Sune Skytte is an old friend and very experienced in marine business
We are proud that our good partner Daniamant has received the 2020 Queens Reward for Enterprise in Innovation.