LAC liquid alkaline cleaner is a combination of fast-acting detergents, wetting agents and alkaline cleaners blended in a water-based carrier. It is applied as a highly diluted solution, with fresh or salt water, to remove edible fats and oils, aswell as light fuel and lube oils from cargo and storage tanks and associated systems. LAC liquid alkaline cleaner can be used as a tank deodorizer when tanks have been cleaned with petroleumbased tank cleaners. LAC is recommended for cleaning and freshing potable water tanks. LAC is also MARPOL Annex V compliant and can be used for cargo hold cleaning. For cleaning instructions, refer to the Drew Marine Bulk Carrier Guide for Cargo Hold Cleaning
LAC has been evaluated by IMO and approved as a tank cleaning additives under MEPC.1/Circ.590. Tank cleaning additives approved by IMO are used onboard chemical/ product tankers in chemical cargo tank cleaning operations and are added in small amounts to the wash water in order to facilitate tank washing.
LAC liquid alkaline cleaner is available in 25-liter (PCN 0057407) and 200-liter (PCN 0057423) containers.
IMO approved under MEPC.1/Circ.590
Concentrated blend of powerful detergents, wetting agents and alkaline agents
No petroleum-based solvents
Completely water soluble
Liquid formulation
No odor
MARPOL Annex V Compliant
Highly effective oil and grease remover
Multi-purpose marine cleaning agent
Reduces deposits in blackwater lines, graywater lines, and holding tanks
Can be used for acid neutralization
No flash or fire point
Leaves no oily film
Can be mixed in all proportions with fresh or seawater
Easily dosed into marine systems
Can be applied by high-pressure spray
Easy to apply
Can be used for tank deodorizing
Suitable for disposal at sea when cargo tank residues are disposable at sea
Excellent for use in cargo holds on dry bulk carriers