DREW BC is a buffered, water-based solution of surfactants and neutral salts. It was developed specifically as a zinc safe tank cleaner for zinc silicate coatings on cargo tanks of chemical carriers. Additionally, DREW BC effectively removes traces of gasoline blends, such as those containing MTBE, chloride compounds, sulfide compounds, and other aromatic hydrocarbons, which can be adsorbed into the porous surface of zinc silicate coatings. DREW BC buffering cleaner may be used when cargo residues must be removed, when inert gas stains must be removed, or when the tank has to be completely chloride or sulfide free when shipping pure chemicals.
• pH buffered
• Concentrated
• IMO Approved as a tank cleaning additive
• Safe for zinc-silicate and epoxy-coated tanks
• Economical/cost effective
• Reduces mechanical cleaning time required to clean zinc silicate coated tanks
DREW BC buffering cleaner is available in 25-liter (PCN 1732404) and 200-liter (PCN 1732420) containers.
DREW BC tank cleaner has been approved by the IMO according to guidelines under IMO MEPC. 1/Circ.590. Only cleaners approved under the aforementioned guidelines, can be used for tank cleaning onboard ships that are issued an NLS
Certificate and can be disposed of at sea when the cargo residue slops are authorized to be disposed at sea.