AMERZINE corrosion inhibitor is an all-volatile, liquid, catalyzed oxygen scavenger for use in low-, medium- and high-pressure steam generating systems. AMERZINE cor-rosion inhibitor controls ferrous and non-ferrous corrosion in feedwater, boilers, steam and condensate lines with the use of hydrazine as the oxygen scavenger.
In addition to scavenging oxygen, AMERZINE corrosion inhibitor passivates metal surfaces through the formation of protective oxide films thereby minimizing iron and copper deposits in the boiler
AMERZINEĀ® corrosion inhibitor is available in 25-liter containers (PCN 0005406).
Dosage, Testing and Control
The continuous dosage of AMERZINE corrosion inhibitor will depend upon the amount of dissolved oxygen in the feedwater. The colder the feedwater, the more dissolved oxygen there will be. Keep the feedwater temperature as close to 90Ā° C, or higher, if possible. For starting up a new system, an estimated initial dosage of AMERZINE corrosion inhibitor is 0.15 liters per ton of boiler water in the system. Daily testing of hydrazine in the boiler water using the AMERZINEĀ® ampoule test kit determines the necessary dosage to maintain the concentration within the specified control range. If the system has been poorly passivated, the initial system ādemandā for AMERZINE corrosion inhibitor may require a higher dosage for the first few weeks until the system comes to stabilization.
Slug dosing and/or improper control of the hydrazine concentration will not provide adequate protection of the boiler system and may lead to accumulation of ammonia in the condensate with possible corrosion of copper alloy tubes