ADJUNCT B is a pure neutral grade of disodium phosphate. It
is used in conjunction with GC™ concentrated alkaline liquid to
prevent calcium scale deposits. Both products are used in our standard boiler water treatment programs for low-pressure boiler systems (0-32 bar) and medium-pressure steam propulsion vessels (32-60 bar). They are also used in our ULTRAMARINE boiler water treatment program for high-pressure steam generating systems (60-84 bar).
The use of ADJUNCT B treatment in conjunction with
GC concentrated alkaline liquid converts calcium hardness into soft, non-adherent sludge that is easily removed by blowdown.
ADJUNCT B treatment is available in 25-kg containers (PCN 0001628).
Dosage, Testing and Control
The daily boiler water phosphate test result determines the necessary dosage. For details on the testing procedure, refer to the appropriate control and dosage chart, or contact your local Drew Marine representative.
Feed Points
Dose with GC concentrated alkaline liquid by diluting with condensate and feed directly into the system drum (below the water level) using a bypass pot feeder.
For low-pressure boilers, ADJUNCT B treatment may be dosed to the hotwell or condensate return tank, although this is not the preferred method.