Marine Technic

It is with pleasure and pride we announce that Square1 Nordic A/S as of June 1st. 2022 has acquired 51% of the shares in Marine Technic A/S. The acquisition is a continuation of the planed generational change from the two main shareholders Thomas Thorsen and Henrik Nielsen.

After almost 25 years with Marine Technic, Thomas Thorsen has decided it is time to seek new adventures in life. Henrik Nielsen will continue as managing director and partner, Christian Faurskov will also continue as a partner in Marine Technic.

Marine Technic is widely recognized as a very solid and skillfully run technical maritime trading house. Marine Technic will continue unchanged as an independent company, with the same skilled employees and location. Mikkel Engsbro owner of Sqaure1 Nordic will join the Board of Directors.

Square1 Nordic also owns the maritime companies; MariTeam, GNC Marine, TRIFU and DEMP. Mikkel Engsbro says; we are pursuing our strategy for growth in the maritime sector through organic growth and acquisitions. We have spent the last few years preparing for this expansion, part of the preparation was establishing Sqaure1 Nordic which acts as our platform for further growth and development of maritime companies.

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