This Friday post is more is on more serious note. We like to make our small contribution to the safety of the marine pilots.
Marine pilots daily perform the critical task of navigating all our beautiful vessels safely in and out of ports, though narrow passages and dangerous waterways. It’s is however frustrating to see that a few vessels do not seem to appreciate the pilots work and neglect proper pilot ladder arrangement. We like to emphasize that this is minor number of vessels however the matter is still very important.
There are several initiatives to document and make improvement, such as the #DangerousLadders campaign which is a global initiative to improve the safety of pilot transfer arrangements and in particular the safe rigging of pilot ladders. The yearly safety campaign from International Maritime Pilots’ Association is running from 1 – 14 October 2019.
If you have a pilot ladder on your vessel, our partner PTR Holland Group offers to perform a free 30 months mandatory load test in one of our facilities in Rotterdam, Singapore, New Castle UK or Houston Texas. This is great way to make sure that your ladder is good condition.
Stay safe